
expressions of folklore中文是什么意思

  • 民间文学艺术表达



  • 例句与用法
  • Then the dissertation analyses the characteristics of the expression of folklore respectively : collective , passing from generation to generation and dissemination , unfixable and traditional
  • From 1960s , some developing countries started to attempt legislate through their domestic law to protect the expression of folklore , and these attempts have also brought to the correlation international organization ' s attention
  • As a unified and standard document of international and national law on the protection of expression of folklore which was drafted by unesco and wipo on the initiative of developing countries , model provisions for national laws on the protection of expressions of folklore against illicit exploitation and other prejudicial actions ( short for model provisions thereafter ) has provided a model deserving being used for reference for the legal protection of expressions of folklore of every country
    摘要《关于保护民间文学表达形式以防止非法利用和其他有害行为的国家法律示范法条》 (以下简称《示范法条》 )作为由发展中国家倡导的,由联合国教科文组织( unesco )和世界知识产权组织( wipo )共同起草的保护民间文学艺术的国际与国内法上的统一标准文件,为各国的民间文学艺术保护提供了可资借鉴的范本。
  • At last the dissertation point out : the protection interferes with the public interest and the individual interest of the successors ; the concrete types of interest : disclosure of originality and offending the perils of distortedness ; encouraging the use of expressions of folklore ; and fostering the consciousness of ip in the domain of traditional culture
  • Take wipo and unesco as a core , the international organizations had carried out a series of activities of protecting expressions of folklore , and has enacted model provisions national laws on the protection of expression of folklore in 1982 . the question has already caused highly consideration in various countries all around the world , and great amount of scholars also put forward each kind of protecting proposal to solve this problem
  • Such concrete systems as confirmation , use and remedy of right of expression of folklore are analysed in terms of economics in order to reveal its economic essence and reasonable contents , which will offer a new way and thinking for systematic design of our country ' s legal protection of expression of folklore
  • 推荐英语阅读
expressions of folklore的中文翻译,expressions of folklore是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译expressions of folklore,expressions of folklore的中文意思,expressions of folklore的中文expressions of folklore in Chineseexpressions of folklore的中文expressions of folklore怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
